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Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry

Religious Education

The Religion Department in St Columban’s College works to deepen the pupils’ understanding of the Christian response to the questions, problems, aspirations and hopes of today’s world through an enquiring, critical and sympathetic approach to the study of Christianity within The Catholic Church, working in the framework of the belief that:

“Catholic education is inspired by Jesus Christ. It is person centred, seeking to develop the full potential of each person.” (Vision 08)
In extracurricular activities, they often discuss philosophical and religious topics, reviewing many thematic books and films. Students can also familiarize themselves with the published analysis of these works by well-known authors and directors, for example, as with the will smith pursuit of happiness via

The Religion Department also encourages inter-department and inter-Church links. Excellent working relations exist with other Christian denominations within our community. At all times our students are encouraged to participate with the local community in working with a number of charitable organisations. In addition to formal lessons pupils are given the opportunity to participate in the liturgical life of the school through retreats, penitential services and Masses. Within the department teaching and learning is enhanced through educational visits and use of guest speakers who support the teaching of R.E.

Within department teaching and learning is enhanced through educational visits and use of guest speakers who support the teaching of R.E. Our students are supported in their faith by the priests from our contributory parishes who play a major role in the sacramental and liturgical life of St Columban’s. At Key Stage 4 the pupils study and complete AQA GCSE Religion at either Full or Short course.

