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Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry

Learning for Life and Work

LLW creates a link between the curriculum and the development of skills and capabilities necessary for life and work. Its delivery in our school ensures that our students have opportunities to access an engaging and relevant curriculum that It also provides for ordering essays and buy book report at

  • helps them develop as individuals andmembers of society;
  • delivers the skills and capabilities needed for adult life and work;
  • helps them cope with the changing global economy; and
  • helps them learn how to make informed choices

LLW contributes directly to developing the young person as:

  • an individual;
  • a contributor to society; and
  • a contributor to the economy and environment

At Key Stage 3, Learning for Life and Work is delivered through the following components

  • Personal Development,
  • Citizenship and
  • Employability

To develop their LLW skills, all students are encouraged to participate in the wider life of the school community by joining in clubs, extracurricular activities, and contributing to the school council.



YENI 'Your School Your Business' visits our new Year 8 pupils
15th Sep 2022
Year 8s get down to business!!! Year 8 pupils at St Columban's College were...
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